Since I have a moment this evening, it feels important to add a note to my site on the topic of so-called “generative” artificial “intelligence” or genAI. (I include many quotation marks because these words fail to accurately describe how current AI systems work.)
I am choosing to actively resist AI in these forms. I will not intentionally use it or promote it. My creative ideas, outlines, writing, visual art, etc, are all brought to life the old-fashioned way.
If you couldn’t already tell by my tending of a handful of plants who offer me some food, medicine, and crafting fiber in tiny quantities, or my near-perpetual hand spinning of yarn with a distaff and whorl-weighted spindle, I do not believe technological advancement and speed are inherently superior to older and slower ways of being.
Yes, it’s all nuanced. I’m typing this online, after all. At the same time, AI in its current form is already causing extreme environmental devastation, in addition to many other harms and risks, as discussed in resources like this or this. Many would like AI to seem inevitable and omnipresent, but we can say no, and I’m saying no.
For readers who also find this important, here’s your signal that while I may be slow at times, my art, spiritual ponders, email communications, poetry, academic articles, books, etc, are and will be free from “genAI” to the best of my awareness. (And please tell me if I miss something!)